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SOY502 | Guillermo Castillo Villacorta, CEO of Cervecería Centro Americana, S.A. says that help will continue to reach those who need it most

By April 13, 2020February 8th, 2022No Comments
Cervecería Centro Americana S.A.
Reading time: 1 minute

Under the slogan “Before being brewers, we are Guatemalans,” Cervecería Centro Americana, S.A., has made a series of donations to mitigate the effects of the country’s COVID-19 crisis. Among them is a contribution of Q$7.7 million toward medical equipment, to be used in the Parque de la Industria hospital’s intensive care unit, as well as toward delivering Incaparina and food to different municipalities in the country to feed families that have been directly affected by the current situation.

Read the original Spanish-language news at its source.