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Education for development: A safe bet

By January 12, 2022February 18th, 2022No Comments
educación integral para el desarrollo
Reading time: 4 minutes



Many believe technical knowledge is the cornerstone of progress when it comes to the future. While this is very important, the development of human qualities and virtues for leadership and work-life balance are equally important factors that make a difference.

In other words, it’s not only about possessing the technical skills – you also need the human skills that allow you to inspire others and be successful. For Guatemala to continue developing, we must work together as a community so our young people have access to an education that covers both sides of this equation. We must build an environment that serves as a catalyst for each Guatemalan’s own success.


Fundamentally, I believe it’s important for each of us to cultivate lifelong intellectual curiosity and seek opportunities to continue learning throughout our lives – not only professionally, but personally as well. We also need to be willing to pass the knowledge we’ve gained from our experiences and careers to new generations. That’s why I’ve dedicated time to both continued learning and teaching over the past 40 years.

I was fortunate enough to have had excellent academic training in my youth, and I’ve continued to seek opportunities to further that education throughout my life. I started teaching 41 years ago as a way to give back to society. I’m in love with education; I love teaching, and I do it with passion! Beyond enjoying the experience, it’s brought me a great deal of fulfillment. I’ve learned many lessons thanks to this unique opportunity to share information with the next generation, giving them both technical skills and life values.

Through things like teaching, we can take advantage of all our own lived experiences to complement our young people’s academic development and provide them with the inspiration and motivation they will need to go out into the world and succeed. The lessons we’ve learned from our mistakes and the advice we would have liked to receive when we were just starting our careers are fundamental to fostering an environment of success in our society. The next generation must be motivated to explore and enrich their lives beyond the narrow scope of their chosen professions. That will prepare them to respond to the many calls and opportunities life will offer.

At the same time, it’s important to encourage our young people to develop their personal qualities along the way, as this will help them become better people and professionals. Activities like art and music are fundamental complements to academia because they help people better understand themselves and enhance their flexibility and adaptability – all of which are key to taking advantage of the opportunities that arise.

I’ve taught at Universidad Rafael Landívar, Universidad Francisco Marroquín, and Universidad del Istmo. I’ve lectured at the Center for National Strategic Studies, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, and in schools.


As companies, we can also put our hands to work to contribute to our communities. Aware of the importance of holistic education to help the next generation achieve success for our society, at Cervecería Centro Americana, S.A., we are proud to manage and finance the Mariano and Rafael Castillo Cordova College through the Castillo Cordova Foundation. Since 1963, this school has provided scholarships to around 300 students each year, helping more than 1,100 high school graduates earn degrees in Science and Literature with academic excellence. Furthermore, 36% of the company’s employees use this benefit when they enroll their children in this school.

The Mariano and Rafael Castillo Cordova College is how Cervecería Centro Americana, S.A., contributes to the shared task of promoting education for Guatemala’s development. In its more than 55 years of existence, it has earned multiple awards and produced very successful graduates.


In 2019, alumnus Juan Pablo Pirir participated in the International Mathematics Olympiad at the University of Bath in the United Kingdom. Out of 612 students from more than 112 countries, Pirir finished among the top 15.

Many of the institution’s alumni stand out in their professional areas, from diplomacy to journalism to medicine. People like Dr. Edgar Rodolfo Herrarte Mendez, who has dedicated himself to serving our society through his profession and academic activities, are being recognized nationally and internationally for the value of their work and their vocations for teaching. Hector Ivan Espinoza Farfan has also proudly raised the name of our country in the world of journalism, and Xavier Beteta is a great musician and composer.

On our way to success, we can all become transformative agents for our society through education and the transfer of knowledge and skills – beyond just the technical ones. With these types of initiatives, which we can all directly or indirectly be a part of, we can help make our country a place full of development opportunities for us all.

Let’s keep moving forward to make Guatemala a prosperous country!